never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Hello again friends...
by alamb ini haven't been on here for so long.
peeking in to say hello.
any old friends here?
never a jw
Been here 3 years only. I am always happy to learn that two more people awakened. Thank you for setting the good example. Stay for some time. many of us can benefit from your experiences and your acquired wisdom as an exJw. -
Bloodless surgery is the standard today because of medical progress. Or NOT?
by Nathan Natas init appears diogenesister feels a need for a proper ass-kicking.. ok, if you insist.
i'm a dub proctologist.... attempting to hijack greatteacher's thread "jw parents in severe car accident,".
diogenesister seized my observation that "bloodless surgery is the standard today, not because of the wtb&ts but because of medical progress" with he carefully-crafted argument "bull crap.".
never a jw
unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies, which provide products that people need and want. All this in pursuit of profit for their share horrible that is! -
Try not to laugh at this WBT$ quote!!
by punkofnice infor over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every aspect of life have been presented in the watch tower society's publications - wt 1990 december 15 p 26.
never a jw
LOL, LOL, LOL sorry I tried hard not to laugh, but failed. -
WT claims to have completed "Peak Construction Phase of New World Headquarters"
by wifibandit in
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
never a jw
Maybe they just coined the phrase to refer to the time when the greatest number of workers were needed, or rather the phase when they had many workers that were not needed, and were a delay and obstruction to the project. Possibly a real construction management company advise them that less is more. -
by Dansk indear all,.
i've thought long and hard before writing this - which came about after linda (fullofdoubtnow), who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, was recommended alternative treatments to mainstream medicine.
i believe i am in a strong position to know just how effective many (most/all?
never a jw
Former brother:
Alternatives are often good as preventive medicine, but when you get hit with the disease you better go to someone with a lot o real formal education.
Also as greedawn said, lots of JW's buy into this stuff of doctors actually letting people die rather than using some sort of secret cure. I have an in-law like that. She buys into any alternative medicine cure, and everyone has cured her of a stomach ailment that she continues to have to this day after 20 years of many, many cures!!!
He puts it in their hearts
by ThinkerBelle inat meeting yesterday a thought came to me - my mind was wandering most of the session as it was so boring - about how the jws say that god will put it into the hearts of the political leaders to overturn religion at the start of the great tribulation.
they also claim this about maneuvered events in the ot too.
jws also claim that when someone has the right heart condition, they come to find jah.
never a jw
fee will or no free will that is the question... that the Bible can not answer because it contains the thoughts and writings of a great diversity of people living in different times, with different interests, even different conceptions of God and his will. That's why the Bible is so useful to support any idea, from the greatest good deed to the most evil -
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
never a jw
arrogant liars manipulators -
In the past we taught it, but now we teach other thing....
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
never a jw
The Bible was put together and called the Word of God during the spiritual captivity (second to fourth century C.E.). So the Bible is the work of apostates,or Satan himself. -
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
never a jw
No edit option?
OK, my previous comment was a response to DarioK's last paragraph
The Anthropocene Extinction is underway right now due to our collective greed, jealousy, xenophobia, exploitation and outright raping of our entire planet. Good job, human race. Good job. We deserve what's coming IMHO, not from terrorists or politicians, but from Mother Nature. Her response will ultimately solve the problem (us) & bring this planet back into balance.
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
never a jw
Calm down. The population is large and diverse enough. Remember "survival of the fittest". In the coming years humanity is just going to be refined to live in a gradually changing environment. And contrary to what you believe, humanity is not that stupid or evil. It's only stupid enough to make mistakes, but smart enough to correct them. No need to bring your WT mentality. Just work with one human at the time to educate them into stopping and possibly even reversing the damage. Plenty of people, including those "evil" politicians are working on that already. Go back to kingdom halls meetings. They need your voice there.